Building a successful hybrid workforce
  • sanja-licina
    Sanja Licina, PhD
    President, Workforce
  • Crystal_Wiese_profile
    Crystal Wiese
    Director, Marketing QuestionPro

Register now

Monday, March 8th 1:00 PM (CDT)


There are still many unknowns in how the future of work will look, but we are becoming more and more certain that the way ahead will need to be a hybrid model, where employees have the choice and flexibility of when and where they want to work.

Achieving this vision will not be a one-size-fits all across all organizations, and will likely take some time, and experimentation, to find the best way that fits each organization's culture. 

Join Sanja, a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, as she shares her suggestions on the best way to build your "hybrid working model" experiment, and Crystal, who will give the employee viewpoint of the best way employers can stay tuned into their people's needs as they evolve their working model in 2021 and beyond.

What you will learn
  • doneBest questions to ask to understand how employees are feeling under evolving working arrangement 
  • done
  • How to have an effective and empathetic dialog with your workforce, at scale
  • done
  • How to make timely changes in the working model
  • done
  • Key considerations for maintaining a strong culture in the hybrid working model